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    The Temporomandiblar Joint (TMJ) is a joint that connects the lower jaw (mandible) to the temporal bone of the skull. This joint is flexible which allows you to do basic functions such as talking, chewing, and yawning. When there is dysfunction within this joint headaches can occur as well as resulting in pain of the eyes, ears, jaw, neck, and teeth. Visions Physical Therapy can help.

    Treatment Options

    • Jaw exercises to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility and range of motion
    • Message to relieve overall muscle tension
    • Movement of the temporomandibular joint to release scar tissue that restricts muscle movement
    • Ultrasound to reduce pain and swelling and improve circulation
    • Ice therapy to reduce swelling and relieve pain
    • Heat therapy to improve blood circulation in the jaw

    Get more information with our TMJ flyer